Iration Tour Start and Blog!
*wipes dust off blog*
Happy New Year to one and all! Hope everyone is well! if you follow and check for the blog, thank you, if you're new here then bless up!
*Gets to the point*
At the time of writing this, currently on Tour with Protoje on the west coast. Just finished our third show in Santa Cruz and off to San Fransisco for show number 4. Should be pretty exciting as our last show in San Fransisco was insanely crammed and sold out.
I'm trying a slightly different approach for photography this tour, a more in depth look at what happens off the stage on tour- there are more than one photographers at every venue, all with instagrams.. everyone can see the stage, so I'm gonna try to show you the moments on tour that you may not get to see anywhere else- Don't hesitate to tell me what you think, or what you want to see, love feedback!
For example:
Danny Bassie and Protoje
Chilling on the tour bus
Dutty Bookman, Tour Manager for this tour
Also, (fairly big also, but nontheless, an also), launched my Youtube Channel today! where I'll be vlogging as well as providing more visual content- it's better watched, than explained, please subscribe and let me know what you think! This is pretty relevant since the Tour Vlog will be moved to my channel! the first of which, will be up soon, soon, I promise! Check it out and let me know what you think!
As usual, with tour, the internet is a fleeting mistress, so as soon as I can keep up to date, I will! Thank you!
Check out the Gallery with just a couple selects from the tour thus far!