Here Comes The Morning Music Video for Protoje
Song Artwork shot and designed by me (Yannick Reid)
I was tasked to create a visual for Protoje’s song “Here comes the morning”. of his sixth studio album “Third Time’s The Charm”
For the concept of the song that both Protoje & I worked on- He was to take his daughter to the first point of sunrise to find “Where the sun comes from”
We went to the eastern most location in Jamaica, the Morant point lighthouse (Not an easy drive I might add). Through the night to catch the sunrise on film.
This shot is actually a daytime shot, graded to look like night.
Photo by Shaquiel Brooks
Photo by Shaquiel Brooks
Photo by Shaquiel Brooks
This shoot had it’s unique challenges, such as filming at night into the morning, as well as the weather not being fully on our side, but we all made it work.
Going into this project, I wanted the visuals to look and feel tender. A relationship between father and daughter is often one of the most tender relationships.
I wanted viewers to feel the tenderness, and closeness between Protoje and Yara. I wanted it to feel like a memory - a goal that’s recurring in some of my work with Protoje. Nostalgia is a powerful and visceral feeling and I want to be able to trigger that in viewers because I believe it’s a way to create a long term connection with audiences. - If something feels like a memory, it may become one.
Having Yara in Protoje’s lap driving was one of those on location choices that suited the theme we were going for.
One of my favourite shots was unplanned, this herd of goats crossing the frame whilst the pair walk toward the lighthouse.
I love this frame for Proto, the worms eye view of him performing in front of the lighthouse. This comes from my love of Hip Hop Music, and this frame is so reminiscent of classic 90s hip hop angles.
Big Props to Yara. Her talent is authentic, working with children usually takes a specific type of direction, but she took direction very well and easily, without complaints. I believe I was more afraid of the height in the lighthouse than her.
Speaking a bit on the technical aspects as both Director and DP - I shot on the RED Komodo, shooting with the trusty Sigma 18-35mm. It’s low aperture and zoom angle allowed me to keep up with the pace needed for a time sensitive shoot like this. For the colour grade I went for a super 16 emulation to add to the nostalgic feel of the film. I especially loved how the blues in Protoje and Yara’s outfit popped out in the colour and the orange of the lighthouse.
Please enjoy the Behind the scenes video done by Shaquiel brooks from the day of our shoot.
I really hope you enjoyed this film, a lot of work went into it, not just by me but the team working alongside me.
Director/DP/Edit - Yannick Reid
Producer - Habibi Bailey
Production Company - YaH Made It
Art Director - Lindsey Lodenquai
Stylist - Ayana Riviere
Gaffer - DavyFrsh
BTS - Shaquiel Brooks
Production Assistants - Makeda Romanetti, Aaliyah Hinds
Special Thanks to KIG Jamaica for the Picture Car