Groningen & Utrecht - Return to the Netherlands
Return of the G
Landed in the Netherlands, real quick from Gatwick airport. only to go to the conveyor belt to pick up our bags.. but after waiting 30 mins and only two members had their bags.. we knew something was wrong. Turns out British Airways left like half the flight's luggage back in the UK. Never experienced something like that before. it was literally like HALF the flight... BA said they'd bring the bags on the next flight coming into the Netherlands, so we didn't have much of a choice with our schedule but to go.
As you can see.. the gang looks a bit light.
To just interject (might sound like a bit of a humble brag), I wasn't as bothered as the other members because I had experienced a bag loss before in italy.. and equipment was in that bag- loned equipment might I add. I sweat my skin off the rest off the tour, fortunately I got back the bag, and vowed I'd never put anything I couldn't replace into a check on bag.. ever. So my carry on has three days of clean clothes and my equipment is distributed between my backpack and carry on bag. That plus I had a strong feeling we were gonna get it back.
Not much to worry about with nice hotels like these
drive the venue...
The festival was a two day festival over a period of two days at two different indoor venues in Holland, the first being in Groningen, and the second being Utrecht.
Monty's pedals for the show that night. these arent actually his..... those were in his luggage- in the UK
Check out the gallery below for the show vibes-
We left Groningen early the next day with less than happy campers, as our bags hadn't reached the hotel as promised. The update was that they hadn't even reached Netherlands allegedly... complaints floated through the air.
We were still promised that the bags would reach our next hotel (kinda skeptic as it was now four hours away from Amsterdam) but I just kept my mind open.
Don't mind me too much but I was just impressed by the composition of these bathroom toiletries (lol)
Luckily, while at the hotel resting before the show, we got the call from the lobby that our luggage reached. I thought I responded to the call pretty quickly, but on my way to the lobby, everyone was already on their way back to their rooms, faces grinning with their bags.
Backstage pre-show views.
Collie Buddz performed at today's festival as well
Show in the Gallery below! Up next is the Euros in Paris, France